*Ranked 2nd place at AIGA JAX 2023 Poster Show
When designing my Relient K posters, I didn't just appeal to aesthetics, I formulated concepts that would establish an emotional connection with the music. The illustrations take an audience of music lovers on a visual journey, replicating the scenes their mind paints when listening to Relient K’s songs. The posters are designed to excite existing fans while simultaneously attracting new listenersd.
Poster Design
Ticket Design
Vinyl Covers
Fan Merchandising
Design Plot
Click on each cover to see the juicy details!*
Part of It
Hope is symbolized through activating the diagonal and in the vibrant pink and yellow hues that represent self-confidence and peace. The inclusion of a hidden woman in the clouds adds another layer, requiring viewers to engage actively and search for something in the clouds. This mirrors the satisfaction one gets when one discovers the answers they were seeking after a challenging breakup in a long-term relationship.
Acceptance, one of the stages of grief, is communicated through the two contrasting hands interlocking. This visual metaphor captures the acceptance phase of a breakup, reflecting the singer's hopeful attitude toward the entire experience. Despite acknowledging the breakup of a significant other, there's a recognition that the memories remain positive and cherished—a sentiment I resonate with deeply.
The inspiration behind "Part of It" initially stemmed from a simple idea—a man immersed in the memories of his ex-partner. However, as the project progressed, it evolved into a more profound idea. Much like the song, my poster aims to convey the predominant emotions of hope and acceptance of a loss. It takes you on a journey through as someone who is healing from loss.
“Candlelight” explores the notion of a moth drawn to a candlelight, symbolizing the songwriter's emotions while he was with his ex. I subvert the metaphor by portraying the moth as the light source. I aimed to convey the feelings of newfound clarity after a breakup, emphasizing how any light, no matter how faint, marks the initial step toward acceptance.
A moth rests on top of a skeletal hand rising from the earth beaming with light. I wanted my poster to showcase that hope is rekindled through the moth (a newfound clarity), offering a chance to get back up on your feet despite the pain of losing someone.
The skeleton's flesh is illustrated to appear as if it's growing back around the bones, influenced by the aura of the moth. This concept is meant to symbolize death and rebirth. The breakup with his fiancée killed a part of “Matt Thessien,” the singer and songwriter, yet due to the clarity that came after the breakup, he was reborn with a new perspective on life.