Way of Kings Book Design

Brandon Sanderson’s “The Stormlight Archives” fantasy novel series has become one of the world’s greatest high fantasy books. I was enthralled by the extravagance of the story and sought to make something that would present the first book, “The Way of Kings”, in a more engaging light. Using the four main perspectives, I developed a unique collector’s edition book for each. Now others can nerd out about the characters with me!
Cover Illustrations
Jacket Sleeves
Interior Type Design
Kickstarter Advertisement
Design Plot
Click on each cover to see the juicy details!*
Kaladin’s first kill to save a life was with a broken spearhead.
Kaladin's compassionate brother gifted colorful pebbles to everyone he met, but these stones now depict something more sinister for each soul Kaladin failed to save.
Kaladin, a former medic turned warrior, embraced the sword after his brother enlisted in the war. His pursuit of justice centers on saving lives rather than seeking vengeance.
As a war general plagued by visions of the past, Dalinar is a man with a deep, dark history. He aims to right his wrongs by bringing people together instead of tearing them apart. He does this by giving up his most valuable possession, his Shardblade, to save the lives of slaves.
The scene illustrated depicts the moment Dalinar gives up his sword by slamming it into the rune of honor. This is a symbolic event that tells everyone that his honor and the lives of condemned men are more important than a priceless sword.
A scholar with a photographic memory and an equally remarkable artistic ability attempts to navigate life away from her home. She struggles to decide whether to become an apprentice or resort to theft to save her family. She gets her answer when she accidentally discovers her hidden magic, as she turns a goblet of glass into pure blood.
Both literally and metaphorically, Shallan finds herself drowned by the decision of whether to become Princess Jasnah's ward or steal her prized artifact to save her very dysfunctional family from debt.
Szeth, the Assassin in White, an antagonist of the story, is forced by his religion to kill in broad daylight. “Controlled” by the Oath Stone he is consumed in a life of spilling blood. The only thing keeping him sane is the fact that the stone is forcing him to kill as punishment, or so he thinks.
A relic of Szeth’s religion that allows anyone holding it to compel him to kill. Turning his face into the stone symbolizes how Szeth became consumed by it, blinded to the reality that it possesses no actual magical properties that force him to kill.

Full Illustrations
Dust Jacket Designs
Interior Type Design
Unique type treatment featuring variations in color, artwork, and minor typographic stylings.*
Color Symbolism: Sad, depressed, and clinging to remnants of hope, Kaladin's color is blue. However, it's not a melancholy blue; rather, it's a more hopeful, light sky-blue. The color represents Kaladin's ability to bring people together and stand up for what is right, no matter how dire the circumstances.
Stripped from his life as a doctor, Kaladin chooses to join the war and become a fighter. However, after becoming a prisoner and fighting for the lives of his fellow slave comrades, Kaladin is blessed with an ancient magic akin to the magical storms of this world. The lightning bolts striking the text represent a magical resurgence and the tensions it causes to rise in Planet Roshar.
Shallan Interior
Color Symbolism: Under the wing of a “soul caster”, Shallan’s chosen color is purple to represent her book’s interior design. This perfectly matches her illustration on the cover.
Shallan’s full title shows a stairstep downwards with the words blending and merging. This represents Shallan’s downward spiral in the book.
Dalinar Interior
Color Symbolism: As a war leader, Dalinar watches kingdoms rise and fall. The color brown represents the crumbling of civilizations as they return to dust and dirt. It also mirrors the colors present on the Shattered Plains, a cracked battlefield that Dalinar fights on daily
Plagued with mystical visions of the past, this war leader loses sight of reality, crumbling under the weight of these oppressive dreams. The blurry type represents his lost focus and his battle to regain respect through his perceived insanity.
Szeth Interior
Forced to adorn a white robe due to the terms of his religious punishment, Szeth becomes known as “the assassin in white”. This mocking is a form of humiliation and punishment so that all who see him know he's coming.
Controlled by an “oath stone”, Szeth is forced to assassinate kings, royals, and anyone else the stone wills. The “o“ in “of” becomes the oath stone corrupting his “way” of life and puncturing the “kings” he has killed.
Formatting Details
Main Text
○ Typeface: Bembo Std
○ Type size and Leading: 10/14
○ Average Measure Characters: 65
Display Type
○ Typeface: Marco Polo Std Small Caps
Running Content
○ Bembo Std
● Folios: 12/14
● Running head: 12/14
Page Size & Shape
○ 6” by 9”
○ Gutter: 0.75 in
○ Head: 0.8889 in
○ Fore-edge: 0.875 in
○ Foot: .75 in
Typography Audit
Body Copy
Based on the original Aldine Roman design by Francesco Griffo, Bembo derives its character from the notion of literally punching letters into steel. In the Cosmere, and many other worlds created by Brandon Sanderson, words written in steel hold a special magical weight. I thought this could be a subtle way to nod to that part of the universe’s lore. Additionally, the author's publishing company is called Dragon Steel so it has a double meaning.
Bembo has this amazing historical presence to it; it contains elements of classic Roman characters, especially evident in the closed counters and the letter “o”. This old-style serif typeface creates a fantastical element that fits Stormlight's time period and level of development in the world's society. If the printing press were to be made in this fantasy world, this font would be one of the first chosen.
Display Font
Marco Polo Small Caps features slight wear and tattered stresses on characters. From afar, it resembles a variably weighted serif font, but up close and at larger sizes, it appears distressed. This distressed nature suits the interior display type perfectly. Marco Polo reflects the aged and hand-written nature of "The Way of Kings," mentioned in the book itself. The tattered look mirrors the slight inconsistencies of those who would have penned this text.